I have the ability to do mortgage loans in all 50 states.
thanks for your helpWhat are the best methods for a mortgage loan officer to generate more business ?
Associations may be a good avenue to explore. These organizations will address many of the thoughts, questions and concerns you'll inevitably have as well as many you haven't anticipated yet. See the source box for some relevant links.
Hope that helps! I wish you much success %26amp; happiness in all your ventures!What are the best methods for a mortgage loan officer to generate more business ?
Have you tried direct mail marketing? It can be very cost effective. The company I work for provides everything from start to finish (creative/ design, data, the letter, bringing it to the post office, etc.) It depends on how many calls you are looking to generate per day.
If you are serious about generating more business, this may be something you'd like to discuss, you can e-mail me through this site. I can tell you the specific pricing, response rates, etc in detail. Our turn around time can be as little as 24 hours.
A free or very low cost website from Yahoo. They can really help with everything ya need.
Do you have any free newspapers in you're town? People really read them. They have games, little quotes, and community calendar, and that attracts readers, plus free!
Ads in local businesses often cost nothing. Laundries, groceries, etc.
You can print ads right on you're home computer, or get someone at a local library to help.
Having a website with mortgage calculators and lots of info usually helps.
Also, I have noticed that at a lot of community events and street fairs, the local mortgage offices and real estate management groups usually have a booth set up - they answer questions, give out flyers and promotional items, etc.
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